Web 2.0 has become the transition step of the evolution in the internet, changing the conventional desktop applications with new web applications that can help the users with their needs. Web 2.0 is not exactly a new technology or application, but is an attitude.
The web 2.0 supports applications that generate different services and collaborations that can replace the common desktop applications. At this point, Internet is having a normal evolution on applications that comes from static websites that were not updated frequently and had not much user’s interaction, to nowadays applications and sites with astounding functionalities are emerging.
The graphic design of the websites should be more attractive for the users, because of the hard competition on the market in the new evolution of the internet; it has to be neater and cleaner in the content’s distribution, choosing the right colors, and elements position, etc.
But also Web 2.0 has marked examples of the progress that the applications have had during the last years and that are obvious for the public. Some examples are:
Publicity services, Social networks, Content networks, blogs, encyclopedias, Search Engine Optimization, Tags, download applications, CMS Development, Flash designs, photo communities, etc.
Some of the methods that help web 2.0 project be alive are:
Flash design and development, Flex design and development, or Lazlo design and development,
Web design instead of desktop application
Use of some programming languages such as: Ajax, Ruby on Rails, PHP 5, etc.
Use of API’s and XML
Search Engine Optimization in the website
Standardize sites with XHTML and CSS
Separate the content (xhtml) with the appearance (CSS) in the websites.
Web 2.0 is very important as part of the evolution of the Internet, as a designer and/or developers should be very concern about the fact that our websites should meet the requirements for Web 2.0 to improve our websites and applications.
We have also advice to our clients the importance of the homepage design for the user’s attraction and the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for their sites and become more competitive in the market adding a new attitude call web 2.0
Web 3.0 is appearing in the internet as the new step that will become to give meaning to the web. Right now, there is no agreement about the most appropriate way for its development. Following like that the normal process of Semantic Web which is, by the way, is an evolutionary process in permanent construction. So, Web 2.0 and web 3.0 is just another step in the process.
It’s so excited the way internet is moving and how developers and designers are engage to this process, if you were left behind in this long way, the best you can do now is start reading and implementing the methods that are included in web 2.0, not forgetting the user interface as a hook for their clients, SEO and their methods for google positioning, google adwords, google adsense, metatags, etc. but that’s another subject we can talk about, later.
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