Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CSS & graphic design.

In graphic design is very important to put attention in some areas. Sometimes they are forgotten when we are designing something. One of these areas or subject is the use of different programming languages such as xhtml, dhtml, html, xml, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), etc. The web design depends on this, like for example cross browsers complications that sometimes appear in the websites. CSS can be used as a solution, since the designer or developer is breaking apart the content with the layout of the site; creating like that a cleaner code for their websites. But CSS is not only present in the user’s website view, is also in the administration side.

CMS Development has become more popular nowadays, letting the webmasters to manage the content of their websites but also including modules, themes, and the ability to change the look of their CMS; of course if the webmaster has the correct development knowledge. Via CSS the administrator can change the look of their CMS, change colors, element’s positions, font formatting, etc.

In flash design, CSS has been implemented to change the layout of the movie easier, giving the control of the graphic appearance to designers just editing one CSS single file. Also works the same way as in website development using (x)html. Allowing image’s galleries, banners, videos, etc. to use one CSS file and change their displaying very simple. When flash had not implemented this type of files was kind of complicated to change the background’s color, for example: if the client didn’t have the .fla file, the client had to contact the designers, and designer had to change it. Flash applications are now more portables with the use of external files (css, xml, txt,)

CSS can be saved in CSS files (.css) or in the same html page code. To be more organized designer prefer to store the Styles in a different file and import it in the html code.
There are some website editors that facilitate coding since they count with intellisense which is an auto complete application. So, designers can avoid typing a lot of code, also permit to type the identifiers correctly. CSS is included in most of these editors but don’t forget you can also use notepad or any simple editor to write CSS code and will work fine.

W3C is in charge of spreading the specifications to the internet and the reference to learn CSS, syntaxes, concepts, etc. While developing websites with CSS and html designers must meet with the established standards. W3C provides (x)html validator and CSS validators to check them and find errors and warnings in our code.

Finally, CSS is very important to create a better web, all together as designers are responsible for this. By meeting the W3C standards in our websites can also be helpful to use in our homepage design the CSS website valid logos to incentive other designers and also clients to have better websites and to use CSS in all their projects where is possible to apply.

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